Official 71st Infantry Division Home

Links of Interest

Red Circle News

Order of Battle of the WW II includes the 71st Inf Div.Submitted by Stephen McArthur, son of Francis Stephen McArthur, who was CO of Company E, 66th Inf Reg at the close of combat and who died in 1999.

1st Bn, 14th Inf Reg web page: the proud history of the Battalion, roster, and awards...even the dragons roar!

Website of the 5th Infantry Regiment and its colorful history

Information on the many concentration camps within the Mauthausen group which include Gunskirchen

Military Bulletin Board: search for lost compatriots, reunions, etc.

A History of Winter and Mountain Training involving the beginning of the 71st among others

Renown 5th Infantry Regiment's Chorus:  photos and names of members of the group

Look what they have done to our Camp Carson in Colorado! Gone are the stables and humongous manure pile that we left in their charge. We are left with a strike force of highly skilled special troops and equipment of which we can well be proud.

contact Lyle Storey or Robert D. Funke